Available across Germany

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Looking for project financing for commercial real estate in Germany?

Together with our partner, Hypofriend offers project developers, family offices and investors commercial loans for large real estate projects starting from EUR 1M.

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example graph showing time after which buyers break even

Tailored commercial loan from 750+ German banks

Our expert team will customise the commercial loan to your project’s needs and find you the best loan conditions on the market.

current rates table depiction

Long-standing relationships with German banks

Banking connections built over decades with the boards of many local Volksbanken/Sparkassen all across Germany will give you unique access to the best rates.

mortgage calculator app showcase

Proven expertise for complex projects

Our experts have identified which German banks will finance your projects in Germany if you are a developer/investor from abroad.


Our expert team has a proven track record

We have worked together with many project developers/investors and found them bespoke commercial loans for their complex projects.